Is Gary Lubner a philanthropist?

Gary is a philanthropist. He supports individuals and organisations which he feels shares his values and ideals and can help deliver change.

Once a donation is given, Gary does not have any lasting control or oversight of those funds.

What is Gary Lubner’s social outlook?

Gary has a clear vision of what social justice and fairness looks like and is dedicated to using his fortunate position to improve opportunities for all young people in the UK.

Is Gary Lubner the CEO of Belron?

Gary is on the board of Belron as a non-executive director, but not involved in the day-to-day operations. He remains a minority shareholder invested in the company.

How do your experiences colour your political and social outlook?

Because of his family background and experiences in South Africa, it was a very easy step for Gary to get involved politically, and it was a natural path for the foundation to look to help organisations that were trying to alleviate the suffering of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants, with hundreds of NGOs and charities assisted so far.

Gary has a clear vision of what social justice and fairness looks like and is dedicated to using his fortunate position to improve opportunities for all young people in the UK.

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